Jvrena Whitehall

Nov 22, 20202 min

Trinidad and Tobago Travel Restriction Updates

Updated: Jul 5, 2021

Information on Trinidad and Tobago Travel Restrictions -

Last Updated: July 2021

Airport Status: Closed to International Commercial Flights. Special flights are granted by Minister of National Security. Borders are scheduled to reopen on July 17th 2021. (read more)

International arrivals and departures are only permitted by the Minister of National Security. Flights remain open between Trinidad and Tobago with Caribbean Airlines.

Who can enter Trinidad and Tobago: Only retuning nationals and residents.

Or any other special persons permitted by the Minister of National Security.

How to Leave and Enter Trinidad and Tobago: Online Application to Minister of National Security.

Nationals and permanent residents seeking to enter as well as persons wishing to depart Trinidad and Tobago must submit their request for exemption via the online portal here for consideration. The request requires you to upload following documents:

  • Copy of passport bio data page

  • Copy of permanent residence stamp in passport or permanent residence certificate ( applicable for permanent residents of Trinidad and Tobago only)

NB. A request does not guarantee exemption, Only one application is required per family.

Requirements to enter Trinidad and Tobago:
  • Negative PCR test result with 72 hours of arrival

  • State quarantine or State Supervised quarantine for a period of 7 days. Plus an additional 7 days of at home quarantine.

Repatriation Flights

If you are trying to come home its best to dot all T's and cross all I's. If you have already submitted your request to the Minister you can also fill out the form for the 'Expression of Interest in Caribbean Airline Repatriation Flights' on their website (link here) as I assume the airline will be able to lobby from their side which may assist the process.

You should also have a confirmed booking at one of the state approved quarantine facilities if you are only returning for a short time.

Flights leaving Trinidad

Keep monitoring Caribbean Airlines Instagram and their Website for updates on Special Flights. From observations they post it on short notice (at least 3-4 days before the flight date), my recommendation is to purchase only if you have been granted an exemption to leave.

The average prices for one way flights (Miami, New York and Canada) are observed to be USD$600 Economy. One way to Barbados was USD$300 at the beginning of December.

Examples of the flights Caribbean Airlines Posts.

Ministry Resources

How to Prepare for Quarantine

Not sure how to prepare to return home or for state quarantine, check out fellow blogger and Registered Dietitian Amber Charles who documented her experience.
