Jvrena Whitehall

Jul 19, 20231 min

Which Countries are in the Schengen Area?

Updated: Apr 9

You found out that you can travel Visa FREE to any country in the Schengen Area and now you need to know 1.) What is a 'Schengen'? and more importantly 2.) The countries you can visit. Good news! You are in the right place.

The Schengen Area is made up of 27 European countries that have abolished the need for passports or border control at their shared mutual borders allowing for the free and unrestricted movement of people ...

you know...what CARICOM is supposed to be

Imagine my disbelief when I exited a plane in Greece from Italy and walked right out the airport without having to show my passport or go through immigration, ikyk! lol

Anyway, you are here for the countries you can visit, they are:

  • Austria,

  • Belgium,

  • Czech Republic,

  • Croatia,

  • Denmark,

  • Estonia,

  • Finland,

  • France,

  • Germany,

  • Greece,

  • Hungary,

  • Iceland,

  • Italy,

  • Latvia,

  • Liechtenstein,

  • Lithuania,

  • Luxembourg,

  • Malta,

  • Netherlands,

  • Norway,

  • Poland,

  • Portugal,

  • Slovakia,

  • Slovenia,

  • Spain,

  • Sweden, and

  • Switzerland.
